Support > Products > Product Pre-order

Product Pre-order


Limited Pre-orderNew Product Pre-orderAvailable for Pre-order


Merchants subscribed to the designated plan of eshopland ecommerce platform can utilize the “Pre-order Product” feature to specify an individual product as “Pre-order”. This allows merchants to introduce and promote new products to customers in advance. It also enables customers to easily identify that a particular product is a “Pre-order” item and its delivery time may differ from other products.


Product Pre-order feature is only applicable to “Professional” plan users, please visit our Pricing Plans for more details.


1.    Enable the “Pre-order” Feature


Go to Admin Panel > Products > All Products, select the product and enter the product content page.

Scroll down to Pre-order and Enable  “Accept Pre-order”.



2.    Pre-order Instructions


You can enter specific terms and conditions into pre-order instructions field to remind the customers about the notes on product pre-ordering.




[Pre-order] label will be added onto the product name.

Pre-order instructions will be shown on a prominent place of the product page.

The system will auto hide the pre-order instructions area if it detected blank.

The “Buy now” button will be automatically changed to “Pre-order” on the product page.



3.    Set Quota for the Pre-order Product


When entering the stock “Quantity” on the pre-order product page, it represents the pre-order “Quota”.



If you don’t enter a “Quantity”, it means the product does not have a “Quota” and is not available for pre-order.



Enable  “Accept Out-of-stock Orders” feature on the product page

Even if you do not enter a “Quantity” for the pre-order product, you can still accept customers’ pre-orders.



Enable  “Unlimited Stock” feature on the product page

The quota “Quantity” will be hidden automatically and it will not be updated.

“Unlimited Stock” means this product does not have a quota limit, available for pre-order.



4.    Apply


Press Save and Apply  when finished.


5.    Pre-order Product Display on Product Overview


“Pre-order” tag will be placed on the Pre-order product on the Product Overview page to make it more noticeable.



6.    Pre-order Product Display in Shopping Cart


[Pre-order] label will be added onto the product name for easy recognition.

Customers can add pre-order product and other products into the shopping cart and proceed cart checkout at the same time.



If a customer purchases pre-order products and other products at the same time, you may have to arrange separate shipment for the products and an extra shipping costs may occur.

You can add the specific pre-ordering terms and notes into the Pre-order instructions for customers’ information.



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eshopland 網店平台-「接受缺貨訂單」、「預購」、「無限庫存」功能
eshopland 網店平台-「隱藏商品」功能
eshopland 網店平台-網店管理手機 App,所有用戶均可免費任用
eshopland 網店平台-轉平台首選
eshopland 網店平台範本-Epsilon
eshopland 網店平台範本-Eta
eshopland 網店平台範本-Kappa

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