Support > Settings > General > Traditional-Simplified Chinese Conversion

Traditional-Simplified Chinese Conversion


eshopland offers you a handy way to convert Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese content in a second. Just press the Traditional-Simplified Chinese Conversion Button to speedy convert and copy the Chinese content.


1.    Traditional-Simplified Conversion Button


First, type in the Traditional Chinese content into the Traditional Chinese content field.



Press the Traditional-Simplified Conversion Button .


All Traditional Chinese content (including the text formatting) will be converted to Simplified Chinese and automatically pasted onto the corresponding Simplified Chinese content field.



2.    Simplified-Traditional Conversion Button


First, input the Simplified Chinese content into the Simplified Chinese content field.



Then, press the Simplified-Traditional Conversion Button .


All Simplified Chinese content (including formats) will be converted to Traditional Chinese and automatically pasted onto the corresponding Traditional Chinese content field.


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