Support > Design > Modules > Product Highlights

Product Highlights


Product Highlights module is equipped with multi-functions for adding image, title, description and link for the highlighted products. You can also make photo gallery with this module to decorate your online shop webpages.


1.      Add a Product Highlights module.


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages.

Select or add a page and enter the Layout Designer.

Press Add  to add a Product Highlights module.



2.      Manage the Module.



You can manage the following settings of the Product Highlights module:



Background Color



For more details about managing the modules, you can visit the Manage Modules tutorial.


3.      Setting the Title of the Featured Products module.


Click Edit  to enter the Title text field.

The Title text field has the same features as the Advanced Text Field.




4.      Setting the Images and Content.



You can add up to 3 images as Product Highlights.

You can add description for the Product Highlights.


Adding Image

Click Image  to add an image.


Product Highlights Description

Click Edit  to enter the text content.

The Title text field has the same features with the Advanced Text Field.



Click Link  and select a page, category or product to link.




If you leave the description blank and add two Product Highlights modules continuously, you can create a photo gallery effect on your shop webpage.



5.      Save  the changes.

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