Support > Design > Modules > Product Highlights

Product Highlights


The “Product Highlights” module on eshopland ecommerce platform is equipped with multi-functions for adding image, title, description and link for the highlighted products. You can also make photo gallery with this module to decorate your online shop webpages.


1.      Add a Product Highlights Module


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages.

Select or add a page and enter the Layout Designer.

Press Add  to add a Product Highlights module.



2.      Manage the Module



You can manage the following settings of the Product Highlights module:



Background Color



For more details about managing the modules, you can visit the Manage Modules tutorial.


3.      Set the Title & Description of the Featured Products Module



Click Edit  to enter the Title and Description text field.

The features of the text field is same as the Advanced Text Field, allowing you to design text content.



4.      Hide the Title and Description of the Product Highlights Module


You can choose to Show or Hide the Title and Description of the Product Highlights Module.

Press the Menu https://support.eshopland.com on the top left corner to expand the tools menu.

Press the Settings icon  of the module.



Disable  the Title and Description of the module,

then Confirm .

The Title and Description of the Product Highlights module are Enabled  by Default.



You can hide the Title and Description of the Product Highlights module.



5.      Set the Images of the Module


You can set the number of images to display in the Product Highlights module, from 2 to 7 images.

Select the Quantity, then Confirm .



Enable  or Disable  the “Image & Content”.

The entire block that has been disabled will hide automatically.



Click Image  to add an image for each block.



6.      Add a Link


Click Link  on the block to add links to specific pages, categories, products, or other URLs to images.



7.      Design Effects


By utilizing the various features of the Product Highlights design module, you can create different effects.



Adding two Product Highlights modules continuously, you can create a photo gallery effect on your shop webpage.



8.      Apply

Save  the changes.


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