Support > Orders > Change Order Shipping Method

Change Order Shipping Method


Order Management


To cater merchants’ various operational needs, eshopland ecommerce platform system empowers merchants to modify the shipping method the unshipped orders based on actual circumstances when following up shop orders, in order to satisfy customers’ special delivery requirements.


1.    Enter the Order Page


Go to Admin Panel > Orders, select the order which required to change shipping method.


Edit Order feature is only available for unshipped orders:

-         order shipping status should be “Pending” or “Preparing”

-         “Completed” or “Cancelled” orders cannot be changed


Merchants can also edit the Shipping and Customer Information of the orders. Simply press Edit  to update the information.


2.    Change Shipping Information


Merchants can change the shipping method according the customer’s requirements.

Press Edit  on “Shipment” of the order content page to edit the shipping method.



You can choose from the shipping methods already added to the online shop.



If a new shipping fee occurs due to the change of the shipping method, the system will update instantly and show the difference of the shipping costs.



Merchant can edit the Shipping Fee Amount, Recipient’s information (Name, Mobile Number and Address) of the Shipping Method, or set the order as “Free Shipping”.

Confirm  when finished and the order record will be updated instantly.



The system will update the order record instantly.



Merchant can send updated order record to the customer by sharing order details via WhatsApp, order link, invoice, or resending the order email to customer.

Member customer can also log into the shop account to view the updated order record.

If the order’s “Payment Status” is “Pending”, customer can complete the payment based on the updated order record.



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