Support > Orders > Order Email Notifications

Order Email Notifications


When customers confirm orders on eshopland online shops, the eshopland ecommerce system will automatically send order emails to both the merchants and customers according to the change of order status, allowing both parties to stay informed about the latest status of the orders.


If a merchant uses the eshopland App (iOS or Android version) to manage your online shop and has enabled the push notification feature of the App on your device, when the system sends order email notifications to the merchant, it will also send instant push notification to the eshopland App which has logged in to the merchant account.


Email notification when a new order is placed:

Merchant (New Order)

Customer (Order Confirmed)


Email notification when received online payment of the order:

Merchant (New Payment)


Only valid for successfully receiving payment through online systems, including Stripe, PayPal, Payment Asia or QFPay.


Email notification when received payment record uploaded for the order:

Merchant (New Payment Record Uploaded)

Customer (Payment Record Uploaded)


Email notification when the order has been shipped:

Customer (Order Shipped)


Email notification when the order is cancelled due to overdue payment:

Customer (Order Cancelled – Overdue)


Merchant must have set up auto cancel “Payment Expired” orders on “Admin Panel > Settings > Order”.


Email notification when the order is cancelled by the merchant manually:

Customer (Order Cancelled)


Email notification when merchant resends order to the customer manually:

Merchant (Resend Order)

Customer (Resend Order)


Email notification when a customer requests to cancel the order:

Merchant (Order Cancellation Request)

Customer (Order Cancellation Request)


Merchant must have set up allow customers to request cancelling unshipped orders on “Admin Panel > Settings > Order”.


Email notification when the merchant accepts the customer’s request to cancel the order:

Merchant (Order Cancelation Request Accepted)

Customer (Order Cancelation Request Accepted)


Email notification when the merchant rejects the customer’s request to cancel the order:

Merchant (Order Cancelation Request Rejected)

Customer (Order Cancelation Request Rejected)


Email notification when a customer requests to return goods:

Merchant (Return Request)

Customer (Return Request)


Merchant must have set up allow customers to raise goods return request on “Admin Panel > Settings > Order”.


Email notification when the merchant accepts the customer’s request to return goods:

Merchant (Goods Return Request Accepted)

Customer (Goods Return Request Accepted)


Email notification when the merchant rejects the customer’s request to return goods:

Merchant Goods Return Request Rejected)

Customer (Goods Return Request Rejected)


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