Support > Orders > ShipAny Waybill Printing (Android)

Wireless ShipAny Waybill Printing (Android)


Merchant who has equipped with wireless printer can enjoy wireless waybill printing by using ShipAny logistics automation services on eshopland Android App. 1-button wireless printing, no plugin is required, save energy and time.


To use ShipAny shipping management services, you are required to register for a ShipAny account and connect your account to eshopland. For more details about ShipAny account registration and eshopland connection, please read ShipAny Logistics Automation.


To learn how to print waybills on iPhone wirelessly, please read Wireless ShipAny Waybill Printing (iOS).


1.    Print Waybill on Android Phone


Go to Admin Panel > Orders,

Enter the order,

Scroll down to Shipping session,

Press “Print Waybill”.


You can only “Print Waybill” after submitted the shipping order to ShipAny. Please read ShipAny Order Shipping Management for details.



2.    Auto Generate Waybill


The waybill will be auto filled and generated according to the shipping information of the order.

The waybill will be opened on the browser of your mobile device.

Select the Options to prepare printing.



3.    Print the Waybill


Select “Print”.

If the “Print” option didn’t appear on screen, you can first Download the waybill file onto the mobile phone and then print it out.

The printing procedures can be varied on different mobile device models, it depends on the actual features and settings of the device.



4.    Select the Printer


Select the printer and print the waybill wirelessly.

You are required to equip with a wireless printer to enjoy wireless waybill printing via the mobile. Mobile users are highly recommended to pair a Bluetooth wireless printer.

The wireless printer must be connected to the mobile.



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