Support > Customers > Tiered Membership Offers

Tiered Membership Offers


The “Professional” plan users of eshopland ecommerce platform can set membership tiers and each tier can offer its own unique privileges in order to promote shop image and boost sales.


Tired Membership Scheme feature is only available for “Professional” plan users, please visit our Pricing for more details.


1.    Membership Discount on Entire Order


Select a Membership Tier,

Enable  Discount on Entire Order,

enter the percentage discount figure (%),

“Save Draft”,

The offer text will be displayed on the “Draft” area.


“Save Draft” feature is for proofreading and checking purposes only.

The discount offer will not be effective after “Save Draft”.

“Clear Draft” will not affect the offers which have been set to effective.



2.    Membership Discount on Regular Priced Items Only


Select a Membership Tier,

Enable  Discount on Regular Priced Items Only,

enter the percentage discount figure (%),

“Save Draft”,

The offer text will be displayed on the “Draft” area.


“Save Draft” feature is for proofreading and checking purposes only.

The discount offer will not be effective after “Save Draft”.

“Clear Draft” will not affect the offers which have been set to effective.



3.    Preview and Apply Offers


Press “Preview Update” to preview the entire membership scheme content.

Press “Apply Update” to apply the updated content.

For details about the Preview and Apply Update features, please read Tiered Membership Scheme Overview.



4.    Product Tiered Membership Prices


When a tiered membership is set, merchant can set tiered membership prices for each product.


Go to Admin Panel > Products > All Products,

Select or Add a product and enter the product page,

Scroll down to Price on the product page,

Enable  Member Price,

Enable  Tiered Membership Prices,

Set the Tiered Membership Prices respectively.



When a member customer signed into the shop, the system will auto apply the corresponding member price for the member.



To learn how to “Show” or “Hide” the member prices, please refer to the guide on Product Member Prices.



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