Auto Deduct Order Inventory
The comprehensive eshopland online shop platform automatically updates inventory records based on the real-time status of online shop orders, eliminating the need for manual inventory updates by merchants. When the order status is updated to "Shipping," "Collected," or "Arrived," indicating that the order can no longer be edited, the inventory of products in the order will be automatically deducted instantly.
1. Product Inventory
Navigate to Admin Panel > Products > Inventory,
to view the inventory records of products.
"Stock" indicates the actual quantity of the product in stock.
"Reserved" indicates the inventory reserved for orders.
"Available" indicates the quantity available for customers to purchase.
2. Customer Order – Reserved Inventory
When a customer orders a product on the online store, the checkout page still displays the product inventory quantity as "7."
Order Confirmation
After order confirmation, the inventory records will be instantly updated.
The "Stock" quantity remains unchanged.
"1" unit of inventory is "Reserved" for the new order.
The "Available " quantity is automatically updated to "6" units.
By clicking the product name on the inventory list, you can view the existing "Order Numbers" for that product.
3. Order Shipped – Inventory Deduction
When an order is officially shipped, entering the shipping stage where the order cannot be edited, the system automatically deducts the inventory.
When the "Shipment Status" of an order is updated to "Shipping," "Collected," or "Arrived," the inventory of products in the order will be automatically deducted instantly.
After the order is shipped, the inventory records will be instantly updated.
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