Support > Design > Modules > Products In Category

Products In Category


Adding Products In Category module onto the webpage of your online shop, allow your customers to browse the products of a specified category more conveniently.


1.      Add a Products In Category module


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages.

Select or add a page and enter the Layout Designer.

Press Add  to add a Products In Category module.



2.      Setup the Products In Category module


Adding a Products In Category module onto a webpage can let your customers to browse the products of the specified category more conveniently.

You should add category to your online shop before doing the setup of the module.

You are recommended to add products onto the specified category prior to the setup, in order to preview the actual design effect.



Select a Category or Sub-category.



Set the No. of Products to be displayed in the module.

When the number of products exceeds the set quantity, “More” will be auto displayed, making it easier for customers to view more products.



You can press Settings  on the left Tools area to adjust your setup of the module.



Click Edit https://support.eshopland.com to enter the text field and edit the title of the module.

The text field has the same features as the Advanced Text Field.


3.      Manage the Module



You can manage the following settings of the Products In Category module:



Title Font

Background Color



For more details about managing the modules, you can visit the Manage Modules tutorial.


4.      Apply the Changes


Press Save .

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