Support > Design > Modules > Featured Products

Featured Products


Adding a Featured Products module onto the webpage of your online shop to promote new or special products can effectively attract customers’ concentration and boost sales.


1.      Add a Featured Products Module


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages.

Select or add a page and enter the Layout Designer.

Press Add  to add a Featured Products module.



2.      Manage the Module



You can manage the following settings of the Featured Products module:



Background Color



For more details about managing the modules, you can visit the Manage Modules tutorial.


3.      Set the Featured Products Module



The style and design of the Product List Style will be automatically applied to all Featured Products modules.


Click Edit  to enter the Title text field.

The Title text field has the same features as the Advanced Text Field.



Product Link

Click Link  and select a product to link onto the Featured Products module.

You can add 4 product links onto each Featured Products module.



Adding a Featured Products module onto the webpage can improve the product marketing effects.



4.      Apply


Save  the changes.


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