Support > Design > Modules > Carousel



When you are working on your webpage design on eshopland, you can add a carousel (slider) module onto your online shop webpage, to attract customers’ attention, get more web traffic and effectively grow sales.


1.      Add a Carousel module.


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages.

Select or add a page and enter the Layout Designer.

Press Add  to add a Carousel module.



2.      Manage the Module.



You can manage the following settings of the Carousel module:



Background Color


For more details about managing the modules, you can visit the Manage Modules tutorial.


3.      Adding images.


You can add up to 4 images onto the Carousel module.

Select from Image 1 – 4, then click Image  to choose an image in the Media Gallery.

Select an image, check to apply image to the specific language pages and Confirm .

You can set different images for the Carousel module on different language pages.



When the images are added onto the module, the thumbnails will appear on the left tools bar.



The system will auto-resize the images proportionally according to the module width. The carousel images will not be cropped.

To project better visual effects, all images to be used in the same Carousel module should be the same size in pixels (px).



4.      Set the images.



Choose an image on the module and click on Visible Status  of the module on the left tools bar.

You can set a specific image to be visible or hidden on different language pages.



Choose an image on the module and click on Settings  of the module on the left tools bar.



You can set the duration for each carousel image.

The default duration of the Carousel image is 8 seconds.



5.      Save  the changes.

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