Support > Settings > General > Multilingual Online Shop Settings

Multilingual Online Shop Settings


On eshopland ecommerce platform, merchants can create online shops equipped with multilingual functionality. merchants can choose to set the supported languages of the online shop, including options for Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English, to meet various operational needs and provide a better user experience (UX) for customers from around the world.


1.    Set the Shop Language


Go to Admin Panel > Settings > General.


Shop Language means the languages supported by the shop’s pages and product content.


The system will automatically generate pages and fields based on the language options Enabled  by the merchant, allowing you to enter content in different languages separately.


Merchant can utilize the “Traditional/Simplified Chinese Quick Conversion” feature specially designed in eshopland system to quickly interchange and copy content between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.



Online shop customers can choose to browse different language shop pages and proceed with checkout and payment on the shop website.

If you only Enabled  one language, your online shop will not be able to switch languages.



2.    Adding Product to a Multilingual eShop


Navigate to Admin Panel > Products > All Products > Add  a Product.


The system will automatically generate multilingual fields for the product name and description based on the language options set by the merchant.

Merchant must enter the product names separately in different languages.



Merchant must enter the product description content separately in different languages.



3.    Multilingual eShop Web Design


Navigate to Admin Panel > Design > Shopfront.


The system will automatically generate multilingual shop pages based on the language options set by the merchant.

Merchants must add design content separately on pages in different languages.

For detailed instructions on eshop web design, please refer to the tutorial article of the “Layout Designer”.



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