Support > Design > Modules > Facebook Live and Video

Facebook Live and Video


You can add Facebook live streaming and videos onto the eshopland online shop, allowing customers to know more about your brand and products.


1.      Add a Facebook Live/Video module.


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages.

Select or add a page and enter the Layout Designer.

Press Add  to add a Facebook Live/Video module.



2.      Manage the Module.



You can manage the following settings of the Facebook Live/Video module:



Background Color


For more details about managing the modules, you can visit the Manage Modules tutorial.


3.      Add a video source.


Copy the live streaming or video link from Facebook and paste onto the Source of video field, the video will go live immediately.



You are required to set the source of the live streaming or video link to “Public” on Facebook.



4.      Save  the changes.

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