Free eShop Link
When merchant registers on eshopland to open an online shop, the system will automatically provide a customized shop link for merchant to use for free. The free shop link ends with “”.
If a merchant already owns a domain, they can also link the domain to eshopland ecommerce platform to use it as the shop address.
1. Set the Free eShop URL
Go to Admin > Settings > General.
This is a unique and customizable shop link which merchant can use for free.
You can only change your free URL every 24 hours.
2. Copy the eShop Link
Merchant can copy the shop URL using the Copy button.
You can also copy the QR code of your eshop.
When you update your eshop URL, the QR code will also be updated correspondingly.
3. Connect Your Domain
If a merchant already owns a unique domain, you can link it to eshopland ecommerce platform system to use it as your online shop link.
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