Support > Settings > General > Connect your GoDaddy Domain

Connect your GoDaddy Domain


After purchasing a domain on GoDaddy, you can follow the steps below to connect your GoDaddy domain to the eshopland e-commerce platform, to be your online shop's URL.


Before operating on GoDaddy portal, you must first go to eshopland admin panel to set Connect Your Domain.

For instructions on purchasing a domain on GoDaddy, you can refer to Purchase Domain on GoDaddy.


1.    Sign in your GoDaddy Account


Go to My Account > My Products.



Select the domain you want to connect to eshopland, then press “DNS”.



2.    Update DNS Records


First, ensure you have selected the “DNS Records” page.

Choose the record “Type” as “CNAME” and the “Name” as “www”, then click on the “Edit” icon to update the record.


If this record is not listed in the DNS Records, click on “Add New Record” to manually add this record.


You only need to follow the instructions below to update the DNS records; no need to modify other parts.



Update CNAME Records:

Type            CNAME

Name          www




Assuming your domain is “”, the “Value” you should enter will be “www.”.


Set TTL to “Custom” and Seconds to “600”,

click “Save” when completed.



It might take more than 24 hours for your domain to be effective after updating the DNS settings.

Since eshopland cannot access your third-party domain’s settings. If you have any problems when updating your DNS records, please contact GoDaddy.


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