Support > Settings > General > Email Settings

Communication Email Settings


On eshopland platform, you can set different email addresses for different communication purposes to fit your operational practices.


1.    Go to Admin PanelSettings > General > Communication Settings.



Login email – your registered email

This field has been filled automatically.

The Login email is unique.

The Login email is unchangeable.


Main email – for receiving all messages and notifications for the shop

The system has set your Login email as one of the Main emails by default. Editable.

This is a mandatory field.

You can add up to 10 email addresses.

All Main emails will receive system messages at the same time. Suitable for shop to be managed by multiple users.


Customer service email – the customer service email of your eshop

Your customer may contact you through this email.

The system has set your Login email as the Customer service emails by default. Editable.

This is a mandatory field.

You can only have one Customer service email.


Order email – for receiving order notifications

This field is blank by default.

When this field is blank, all order notifications will be sent to the Main email.

You can add up to 10 email addresses.

All Order emails will receive order notifications at the same time. Suitable for orders to be managed by multiple users.


Out of stock notification email – for receiving out of stock or low stock alert notifications

This field is blank by default.

When this field is blank, all stock notifications will be sent to the Main email.

You can add up to 10 email addresses.

All Out of stock notification emails will receive stock notifications at the same time. Suitable for inventory to be managed by multiple users.


Billing email – for receiving billing and account notifications sent by eshopland

This field is blank by default.

When this field is blank, all billing and account notifications will be sent to the Main email.

You can add up to 10 email addresses.

All Billing emails will receive billing and account notifications at the same time. Suitable for shop account to be managed by multiple users.


2.    Set System Notification Language.


You can choose to receive system notification messages in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese or English.



3.    Save  the changes.

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