Support > Promotions > Discount Codes

Discount Codes


On eshopland ecommerce platform, you can set discount codes for any of the deals and offers you create for your online shop.


Enable  Discount Code feature, then you can customize the discount code.

The discount code should be formed by up to 20 characters or numbers.

When you create new deals and offers, adding discount codes onto the offers allows you to plan your marketing strategy flexibly. For example, you can set KOL special discount code, new members 10% off offers, VIP customer offers discount codes, etc.

Once you have set the discount code, customers will be required to enter the accurate discount code when proceeding cart checkout in order to enjoy the special offer.


For more details about the basic settings on deals and offers, please read Promotion Settings.


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eshopland 網店平台-Payment Asia 網店線上收款
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eshopland 網店平台範本-Delta
eshopland 網店平台範本-Kappa

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