Support > Promotions > Discount on Specified Products

Discount on Specified Products


Online Shop Promotional Offers Settings


On eshopland platform, merchants can set up percentage discount on specified products to boost sales. Merchants can also incorporate various discount terms to align with your operational requirements. When customers proceed to checkout, the system will automatically apply and calculate the discounted amounted according to your settings.


1.    Add a New Offer


Enter Admin Panel > Promotions > Offers and press Add .


2.    Set the Name of the Offer


Offer Name is Mandatory.

Offer Name will be displayed on the checkout page.




3.    Set Discount on Specified Products


Select Discount on Specified Products from the Offer Types.

Enter the percentage discount figure (%).

The system will auto generate the offer in text format on the Preview area according to your offer settings.

The offer text will be displayed when customers proceed cart checkout or shown on specified products.



You can “Customize” the offer text content.



4.    Set the Offer Terms


When you select Discount on Specified Products, the Offer Terms will be auto Enabled .

When customers proceed checkout, the system will auto check if the customers fulfilled the terms to enjoy the discount before applying the offer.


Spending Over a Specific Amount on Specified Products

Customers spend over a specific amount on specified products can enjoy the offer.


Specified Product Quantity Limits:

"Standard" Plan – Maximum of 10 items

"Advanced" Plan – Maximum of 30 items

"Professional" Plan – Unlimited



Purchase Over a Specific Quantity on Specified Products

Customers purchase over a specific quantity of specified products can enjoy the offer.


Specified Product Quantity Limits:

"Standard" Plan – Maximum of 10 items

"Advanced" Plan – Maximum of 30 items

"Professional" Plan – Unlimited



The system will auto display the offers which are eligible to the customer when customer proceeding cart checkout.

Customers can select offers when proceeding cart checkout.



5.    Other Offer Settings


For more information on other discount setup methods, please refer to the following articles or other related tutorials on “Promotions Settings”.


Promotion Settings

Adding Discount Code to the Offer


eshopland - NGO Offer
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eshopland 網店平台-Payment Asia 網店線上收款
eshopland 網店平台-後台落單功能
eshopland 網店平台-設計網店可用的免費圖庫
eshopland 網店平台-開網店的好處及重要性
eshopland 網店平台-零抽佣,無隱藏收費
eshopland 網店平台服務計劃明碼實價,零抽佣,無插件費,無隱藏收費,無系統維護費
eshopland 網店平台範本-Epsilon
eshopland 網店平台範本-Gamma

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