Support > Design > Menus > Quickly Link Page to Menus

Quickly Link Page to Menus


Merchants can quickly add pages to the navigation menu or footer menu of the online shop website by following the steps below.


1.    Select Page


Go to the Admin Panel > Design > Pages.

Select the page to be added onto the menu(s) and enter the Page Settings.




2.    Quickly Add Page to the Navigation Menu Bar


Enable https://support.eshopland.com  Add to Navigation Menu button to directly link the current page to the navigation menu bar.

The page adding to the navigation menu should be set to “Published” first.

Go to Admin Panel > Design > Preferences to set the sequence of the navigation menu items.



The web version of the navigation menu.



The mobile version of the navigation menu.



3.    Quickly Add Page to the Footer Menu Bar


Enable https://support.eshopland.com  Add to Footer Menu button to directly link the current page to the footer menu bar.

The page adding to the footer menu should be set to “Published” first.

Go to Admin Panel > Design > Preferences to set the sequence of the footer menu items.



The footer menu of the shop website.



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