Support > Settings > Order > Customer Order Remarks

Customer Order Remarks


On eshopland ecommerce system, merchant can choose to enable the customer order remarks feature, allowing customers to remark on orders for special arrangement.


1.    Enable Customer Order Remarks Feature


Go to Admin Panel > Settings > Order,

Enable  Customer Order Remarks button,

Confirm .



2.    Customer Order Remarks Field


When the Customer Order Remarks feature is enabled, all customers can remark on orders during checkout.

The customer remark messages will be displayed on corresponding order records and emails for merchant’s easy access and follow-up.



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eshopland 網店平台-低成本開網店創業
eshopland 網店平台-完善雲端訂單管理系統
eshopland 網店平台-自動建店,10 分鐘極速開業
eshopland 網店平台-貼文自動接單
eshopland 網店平台服務計劃明碼實價,零抽佣,無插件費,無隱藏收費,無系統維護費
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