Support > Customers > Customer List Overview

Customer List Overview


eshopland e-commerce platform system offers different customer categories and membership levels. The system automatically labels customers according to their category, allowing merchants to have a more accurate understanding on your customer types and can adjust your business strategies more specifically.


1.    The Customer List


Enter Admin Panel > Customers > All Customers.


On the Customer List, you can view the Name, Email, Mobile No., Type, Last Order and Last Login Time of the customers.

“Professional” plan users who have enabled the membership tier system and membership points feature can view the points balance of your members.



2.    Customer Types


The system will group the customers into different types with tags and icons for easy identification.




Customer who placed orders as a non-member.



Member customer who registered for an account by using a username and password on the online shop.


Sign in with Google

Member customer who signed in the shop with one’s existing Google account.


Login with Facebook

Member customer who logged in the shop with one’s existing Facebook account.


3.    Filtering Customers


You can use the Filter  feature to view data of specific customer types.


4.    Export the Customer Record


Click Download  on the top right corner of the Customer List to download and export the customer record in CSV file format.


You can customize the export data:


Current Page on the screen

Current Filtered Data

Export data within the specified Registration Date range



5.    Bulk Removal of Customer Records


Merchants can use the bulk action feature to remove individual customer records.



Once confirmed and removed, the deleted customer records cannot be restored.



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eshopland 網店平台-完善雲端訂單管理系統
eshopland 網店平台-已對接 eBuy
eshopland 網店平台-後台落單功能
eshopland 網店平台-簡單易用,自動建店,DIY 都無難度
eshopland 網店平台-貼文自動接單
eshopland 網店平台範本-Eta
eshopland 網店平台範本-Mu
eshopland 網店平台範本-Zeta

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