Support > Settings > Shipping > Macau Macau


eBuy Self-pickup PointseBuy Lockers


To facilitate merchants in handling orders from Macau, eshopland ecommerce platform has integrated with Merchants can add as a shipping method for the online shop, allowing Macau customers to choose the most suitable self-pickup point for receiving the orders; aiming to enhance customer satisfaction with the online shop services.


1.    Shipping Setup


Go to the Admin Panel > Settings > Shipping.


Click Add  to add a new Shipping Method. Select from the list.


All data related to services are collected from the official website of


2.    Set the Shipping Method Name


The system will auto generate the name fields in different languages based on your shop’s Language Settings.


You can edit the name of the shipping method.



3.    Set the Charging Method


No Shipping Fee

No shipping fee will be charged on the customers, e.g. free delivery or charge on delivery.


Charging Method Set up

You can choose to charge the shipping fee based on a fixed rate or charge by weight.



Fixed Fee

You must set a fixed rate.

Each order will be charged for the Fixed Fee for one time only.


Charge by Weight

You are required set the initial weight and subsequent weight respectively (calculated per kilogram), such as setting the initial weight as 1KG and subsequent weight as 0.5KG.

You are required to set the charging amount for the initial weight and subsequent weight respectively.

You are required to set weight for each of your products to ensure the accuracy of the shipping charges.

The system will auto calculate the shipping fee according to the gross weight of the products in each order.


4. Pickup Service


By setting as a shipping method, it means customers will only be able to choose designated pickup points or lockers for order collection.

The system will preload the pickup points address; customers will not be required to input the shipping address manually.

During the checkout process, customers only have to provide recipient information and follow the steps to select their desired pickup point for order collection.



5.    Shipping Method Description


Write down notes for customers who choose to use this shipping method




6.    Apply


Save  to apply the changes.


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