Support > Design > Product Page > Single Product Page Style

Single Product Page Style


eshopland e-commerce platform allows merchants to customize the style of your online shop product pages. To best fit your brand image and design concepts, you can adjust the style of the page background color, image display, fonts, tags, prices and buttons.


1.    Product Page Style Tools


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages, click “Products” to enter the page.



Scroll down to Single Product session,

Click Product Page Style to enter the setup page.



2.    Styling Features


You can customize the style of your online shop product pages.

You can preview the styling effect instantly.


You can click “Reset Default” to restore all settings to default.




Background Color

Color will be applied to all product pages.


Text Color

Color will apply to text not supporting individual set up.

Color will also apply to product description content if the text color has not been set.



Photo Display:

Stacked as default.

Can be set to Vertical.

Images will be auto enlarged in Vertical display for better visual effects on mobile.



Top Product Path:

Font Size

Row Height

Text Color

Font (English & Chinese)

Bold Text



Related Category and Button:

Font Size

Row Height

Text Color

Font (English & Chinese)

Bold Text

Background Color




Product Name:

Font Size

Row Height

Text Color

Font (English & Chinese)

Bold Text

Text Align



Style of the Tags:

Background Color

Text Color

Font (English & Chinese)

Font Size

Bold Text



Limited-Time Tag

Member Price Tag



Style of the Prices:

Font Size

Row Height

Text Color


Bold Text

Text Align


Regular Price

Original Price

Special Price

Member Price



Option Name:

Font Size

Row Height

Text Color

Font (English & Chinese)

Bold Text



Style of Shopping Cart Buttons:

Font Size

Text Color

Font (English & Chinese)

Bold Text

Background Color

Border Color


Border Width


Add to Cart Button

Pre-order/Buy Now Button



Share Buttons:


Custom Share icon color

Other social media share buttons will be displayed in original color




Custom all share icons’ color



  Enable  the preferred social media icons



Show Shipping Methods

Disable  the button to hide the shipping method details on all product pages



Show product details in full width

Enable  the button to show product details on product page in full width.



Save the changes.

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