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Product Page – Product Images Display


Web DesignOnline Shop DesignOnline StoreProduct Page


Different ways of displaying product images can create unique style for an online shop. The multifunctional web design tools of eshopland ecommerce platform allow merchants to customize how product images are displayed on product pages, without being restricted by any template constraints, aiming to providing merchants with greater design flexibility.


1.     The Product Page Style


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages,

click “Products” to enter the page.



Scroll down to Single Product session,

Click “Product Page Style” to enter the Single Product Design setup page.



2.    The Product Page Style Tools


One the left is the toolbar for designing the Single Product Page.

The product page design tool uses “preview design” approach, allowing you to preview the design effects in real-time.


The design style will be applied to all single product pages.



3.    Product Image Display Settings


Stacked (Default):

If a product has more than one image, thumbnails will be automatically generated below the main image.

Customers browsing the product page can click on the thumbnails to view the respective product images.

Support manual image zoom functionality.




Images will be displayed in an enlarged format.

If a product has more than one image, all images will be arranged vertically in sequence, displaying one by one.

Customers browsing the product page can scroll down to view all product images.

Manual image zoom functionality is not supported.



4.    Apply the Settings


Save the settings.


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