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Product Page Background Color


Web DesignOnline Shop DesignOnline StoreProduct Page


Merchants using the multifunctional web design tools of eshopland ecommerce platform can customize the background color of product pages to match the design style of your online shop. The web design tool is user-friendly, allowing merchants to easily change the background color of product pages at any time, giving the online shop a fresh look periodically.


1.     The Product Page Style


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages,

click “Products” to enter the page.



Scroll down to Single Product session,

Click “Product Page Style” to enter the Single Product Design setup page.



2.    The Product Page Style Tools


One the left is the toolbar for designing the Single Product Page.

The product page design tool uses “preview design” approach, allowing you to preview the design effects in real-time.


The design style will be applied to all single product pages.



3.    Set the Background Color


Background Color:

The background color will be applied to all product pages on the online shop.

You can use a color picker or color code to set the color.



4.    Apply the Settings


Save the settings.


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