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Product List Colors & Style


Online Shop Web DesignProduct ListProduct Display


The multifunctional web design tools of eshopland ecommerce platform support customizing colors for of the product list, such as the background color of the product list, product display background color, text color, and more. The styling features enable merchants to easily design unique and professional online shops, in order to attract the attention of more potential customers.


For more details on designing the product list, please refer to the introduction in Product List Style.


1.    Product List Page


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages,

click “Products” to enter the Product List page.



2.    Product List Style


Click Product List Style to enter the Product List design setting page.

When you update and save the style, the new style will be automatically applied to the All Product List Module, All Categories & Products and Products In Category webpage design modules.



3.    Set the Product List Page Colors


You can customize the colors of the Product List.



Background Color:

Background color of the entire Product List Page.



List Color:

Background color of the Product List.



Text Color:

The text color of the Product List top filter.

This setting needs to be viewed by visiting the “Product” list page on your online shop.



The text color for the filter at the top of the Product List has been updated.



4.    Set the Product Display Blocks Color


Background Color:

The background color of the product blocks displayed on the Product List.

You can simply pick a color or enter a color code to set the background color.



5.    Set the Color and Style of the Product Name


Text Color:

The text color of the Product Names on the Product List.


Additionally, you can also customize the Font Size, Row Height, Font (English & Chinese), Bold Text and Text Align of the product names.



6.    Set the Pagination Color



The pagination text and background color at the bottom of the Product List.



7.    Apply


Save the settings.


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