Support > Settings > Payment > Manual E-Wallet Payment

Manual E-Wallet Payment

AlipayHKPayMePayPal WeChat Pay HK Octopus


eshopland system supports e-wallet payment such as Alipay HK, PayMe, PayPal, WeChat Pay HK and Octopus. You can set up e-wallet manual payment collection methods for customers to complete the transactions.


eshopland commerce system also supports the following static payment QR codes commonly used in the Macau market:

BOC Pay (Macau), CGBPay, ICBCepay, LusoPay, MPay, Simple Pay, Tai Fung Pay, UePay


1.    Payment Settings


Login and go to the Admin Panel. Click Settings > Payment.


Click the Add  to add a new Payment Method. Select Alipay HK, PayMe, PayPal, WeChat Pay HK or Octopus from the list.


The steps to set Alipay HK, PayMe, PayPal, WeChat Pay HK and Octopus as manual payment method are exactly the same.



2.    Set up Payment Method


Set up AlipayHK as a sample.



Display – the icon of the payment method

If you set up this payment method, the icon will be shown on the footer of your online shop webpage.


Payment QR Code – generated from the electronic payment application

Press Upload  to upload the QR code onto the payment method settings page.



Additional Fees – additional charges to be paid by customers who choose to settle the payment by this method


You can choose to charge on a fixed rate or charge by percentage.


Payment Deadline – the payment settlement deadline


The Payment Deadline will be counted in hour.

If the customer failed to settle payment by the payment deadline, you can choose to cancel that order.


Payment Method Description – terms for settling the payment by this method




3.    Apply Settings


Select to Cancel  or Save  the changes.


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