Support > Social > Connect to Facebook Page

Connect to Facebook Page


eshopland ecommerce platform has added the function of auto-receive orders from social media (including Facebook and Instagram). Merchants must have a Facebook Page and Instagram business before using the “Auto-receive Orders via Posts” and “Auto-receive Orders via Live Stream” on Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, the Facebook Page should connect to eshopland backend admin panel.


Merchants must have the access permissions of the Meta Business Suite.


1.    Login Facebook Account


Merchants should have logged in the Facebook account and have the access permissions of the Facebook Page.


Go to eshopland Admin Panel > Social > Post Orders or Live Stream.

Press “Login Facebook”.



2.    Connect your Facebook Account


Sign in with your Facebook personal account and “Continue” to connect.



3.    Choose Facebook Businesses


Choose the Facebook Businesses which you want to connect,

then “Continue”.



Choose the Pages you want eshopland to access, and “Continue”.



4.    Choose Instagram Accounts


If merchants also need to use Instagram to auto receive orders via IG posts or live streaming, you must first “Connect” your Instagram business account to your Facebook Page in Meta Business Suite. Please read the Meta official guides for the connecting steps


Connect an Instagram account to a business portfolio in Meta Business Suite desktop

Connect an Instagram account on Meta Business Suite mobile app


Choose the Instagram Accounts you want eshopland to access,

and “Continue”.



5.    Review Permissions


Review what permissions are required by eshopland when you use eshopland to “Auto-receive Orders via Posts” and “Auto-receive Orders via Live Stream” on Facebook and Instagram,

and “Save”.



6.    Connected Successfully


Facebook has been connected to eshopland successfully.



When connected, your Facebook account will be signed in automatically.



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