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Enlarge or Swap Product Images


Online Shop Web DesignProduct ListProduct Display


Merchants can utilize the multifunctional web design tools of eshopland ecommerce platform to customize how product images are displayed on the product list. For example, when hovering over images on the product list, they can be set to enlarge or swap; or even can schedule automatic image rotations to enhance the visual appeal of the webpages.


For more details on designing the product list, please refer to the introduction in Product List Style.


1.    Product List Page


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages,

click “Products” to enter the Product List page.



2.    Product List Style


Click Product List Style to enter the Product List design setting page.

When you update and save the style, the new style will be automatically applied to the All Product List Module, All Categories & Products and Products In Category webpage design modules.



3.    Set the Product Image


You can customize how the product images are displayed on the product list.



Hover Effect: Enlarge

When customers interact with the product list by moving the mouse cursor over the product images, the images will slightly enlarge to enhance the visual effect during interaction.



Hover Effect: Swap

When customers hover over a product image, the image will switch to the second image.


Merchants must add a minimum of two images for each product to showcase the image swapping effect.



Hover Effect: Auto-swap

All product images on the Product List will automatically swap according to a set time interval.

The automatic carousel image swapping feature will only apply to the first two images of each product.

Merchants must add a minimum of two images for each product to showcase the image swapping effect.

The time interval for the automatic swapping is set in seconds (s).



Setting the auto-swap time to “5s” means that all images on the Product List will automatically swap every 5 seconds. Products with only one image will not undergo any changes in display.



4.    Apply


Save the settings.


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