Support > Design > Menus > Add Categories onto Navigation Bar

Add Categories onto Navigation Bar


Adding product categories or subcategories to the navigation bar on your online shop can make it easier for your customers to find suitable products, enhancing their browsing and shopping experience. You can flexibly add individual categories or subcategories onto the navigation bar, or add all product categories and subcategories by one simple step.


You are required for set categories or sub-categories in advanced. Please visit Product Categories for more details.


1.    Add a Menu Item on the Navigation Bar


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Preferences,

Add  an item on Navigation Menu Items.



2.    Add a Single Category onto the Navigation Bar


Set the “Category” Item Name to be displayed on the Navigation Bar.

Item Name is mandatory, you can set it as “Category”, “Tops”, “Handbags”, “Toys”, etc.


You can add individual categories or sub-categories onto the navigation bar.



Link the Menu Item to the specific category.

Save  the settings.



A new Menu Item named “Category” has been added onto the Navigation Menu.

You can adjust the Sequence  of the items manually.

Confirm  and apply the changes.



A “Category” menu option has been successfully added onto the navigation bar of the online shop.



3.    Add “All Categories” onto the Navigation Bar


Select “All Categories” and Save  the settings.



“All Categories” have been added onto the Navigation Bar.

You can adjust the Sequence  of the items manually.

Confirm  and apply the changes.



“All Categories” have been added onto the Navigation Bar.



You can view the sub-categories (if any) within the category hierarchy on the navigation bar.



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