Support > Settings > Integration > Verify Ownership on Google Search Console

Verify Site Ownership on Google Search Console


Verify site ownership on Google Search Console and use the official Google Search Console tools and reports to know more about your site’s impressions, clicks and position on Google Search.


1.     Sign for up Google


You are required to have a Google account (like Gmail) to use the Google Search Console services. If you don’t have a Google account, go to and create an account first.


2. Verify Site Ownership on Google Search Console


Go to Google Search Console and press “Start now”.


Enter your Site URL (include https://) on URL prefix.

Press Continue.




According to Google, you can choose one of the verification methods below to verify site ownership.

eshopland system supports using the HTML tag method to verify site ownership.



If your Google account already has a Google Analytics tracking code, or a Google Tag Manager snippet ID for your page, that means you have already verified the site ownership.

You can skip the Verify Ownership procedure and go directly to the eshopland Integration Settings (Admin Panel > Settings > Integration) to fill in your Google Analytics ID or Google Tag Manager ID.

If you already have verified site ownership, the following Verify ownership page will not be shown.


On Other verification methods select HTML tag.



Copy the HTML tag: <meta name="google-site-verification" content="xxxxxx" />



Go to eshopland Admin Panel > Settings > Integration,

Enable Third Party Integration – Google,

Paste the HTML tag onto the Verify Ownership field and Confirm

Go to eshopland Admin Panel > Settings > General and set the Shop status to “Open”.



Then, return to the Verify page on Google Search Console to VERIFY site ownership on the HTML tag session.

Google will verify ownership instantly.



Site Ownership Verified



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