Support > Design > Product List > Category List Style

Category List Style


When you design your online shop website, adding an All Categories & Products module on the page or select the All Categories & Products style on the “Products” page and add your own design on the category list; can allow visitors to browse your products by categories conveniently and project a unique style of your website design.


Note: Before designing on the category list, you must add product categories first.



1.    The “Products” Page


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages,

click “Products” to enter the page.



2.    Category List Style


Click to enter the Category List Style setup page.



3.    Styling Features


You can design the product listing style of your online shop.

You can preview the styling effect instantly.

The Category List Style will be auto applied onto the All Categories & Products module.


You can click “Reset Default” to reset all the Category List Style to the system default settings.



Category List:

Top Margin

Adjust the top margin of the Category List to align with the product list.



After changing the background color of the “All Categories & Products” module, the “Category List” position may appear too high or too low.



Background Color

Color to be applied to the whole Category List page.



Category Title:

Text Color

Font Size

Bold Text

Row Height

Font Style (English & Chinese)




Text Color

Font Size

Bold Text

Row Height

Font Style (English & Chinese)



Price Range:

Text Color

Font Size

Bold Text

Row Height

Font Style (English & Chinese)



Sort by:

Text Color

Font Size

Bold Text

Row Height

Font Style (English & Chinese)



Clear All Filters:

Text Color

Font Size

Bold Text

Row Height

Font Style (English & Chinese)



4.    Apply the Updates


Save  the changes.


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