Support > Design > Menus > Navigation and Footer Menus

Setting the Navigation and Footer Menus


You can set the Navigator menu bar and Footer menu bar on the eshopland Layout Designer, to the design of your online shop.


How to Add Categories onto the Navigation Bar

How to set Advance Footer Design


1.    Setting the Menus


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Preferences.



               Adding a linking item

Adding a linkage to the navigation and footer menu.


               Removing a linkage

Removing the linked item from the menus.


              Editing a linked item

Editing the name and internal URL of the linked item.



Reorder the sequence of the menu items by manual.



Other menus settings:


Enlarge Shop Logo

Enlarging the Shop Logo displaying on the navigation menu bar.


Navigation Menu Content Width

Customize the width of the navigation menu

Using pixel (px) as the unit.


Show Navigation Menu Search Field

Enable to show the product search field on the navigator menu bar.

You can disable and hide the product search feature.


Show Shopping Cart

Enable to show the shopping cart icon on the navigator menu bar.

You can disable and hide the shopping cart feature.

When the shopping cart is hidden, customers can still proceed check-out with the “Buy Now” feature on the single product pages.


Show Supported Payment Method on Footer

You can hide the payment methods on the footer menu.

Customers can view and select the payment methods on the check-out page.


Remove “Powered by eshopland” Label

Only applicable to specified plans users, please view our service plans for more details.


2.    Design the Navigation Menu Bar


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages > Shopfront and directly enter the Layout Designer.



You can design the Navigation Menu bar:



Background Color

Pick a color directly, or enter RBG or HEX color code.


Font in English and Chinese

Choose the system in-built fonts in English and Chinese respectively.


Font Color

Pick a color directly, or enter RBG or HEX color code.


Font Size

Using pixel (px) as the unit.


Bold Text

Bold setting will be applied to both English and Chinese fonts.



Enable the  Overlay feature, the navigation menu will overlay onto the first module of the page, forming a transparent navigation bar effect.


Overlay Font Color

You can set another navigation menu font color when the Overlay feature is enabled.


Centered Shop Logo

Enable  Centered Shop Logo to put the shop logo in the middle of the navigation menu bar.



3.    Design the Footer Menu Bar


You can design the Navigation Menu bar:



Background Color

Pick a color directly, or enter RBG or HEX color code.


Font in English and Chinese

Choose the system in-built fonts in English and Chinese respectively.


Font Color

Pick a color directly, or enter RBG or HEX color code.


Font Size

Using pixel (px) as the unit.


Bold Text

Bold setting will be applied to both English and Chinese fonts.


4.    Apply


Save  the changes.


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